Thursday, 21 July 2011

The latest goings on in my life!!!

We have now begun our puppy training sessions (although in reality I think it is us being trained not the dog!)

This is martha (by felix with stripy shirt) and her brother and sister Ruby and Rufus! She is quite a bit smaller than them but she makes up for that is feistiness and attitude!!!

I had a session of hypnotherapy for my fear of dogs on Monday so we will have to see if that has worked went we take her out for her first walk on Sunday!!!

I was left in charge of the Evie girl on friday! It is amazing how quickly you forget what it is like having a baby!!

Then I went round to my friend Debs to have a go at cake pops! This is my second attempt and between us we managed to make this lot in an evening!!

Felix and I went to the theatre on sat night to see 'the sound of music' and then went out for a burger afterwards!!

Lucky old Georgia went for a sleepover at Granny's!!

On Sunday I did the last day of my stained glass course and made a piece that is just using lead and no copper foil, so this one can go outside!!!

Today Georgia and I have been baking cakes for the school tuck shop to raise money towards the school field! This is what I call 'licking the bowl out'!!!!

Here are the finished results!!

Cakes for school!

Cakes for all my visitors next week!!!!

Carla x

Monday, 11 July 2011

Introducing Martha!!

Can't believe it has been so long since I posted!!
That would be because We have a new baby!!

Three weeks ago we picked up our puppy!! (well two to be precise as we looked after Pip, Martha's brother for two weeks!)

Here they are on their journey home!!

Martha and the kids get on like a house on fire!!!

She is settling in sooo well!! Still working on the toilet training though!!!!

Yesterday she met mums dog Oscar who is her new BFF!!

Tomorrow we started dog training as a family!! Martha will also meet up with her brother and sister Rufus and Ruby who are doing the course too with their owners Claire and Andrew!!

The retreat that Lisa and I organised happened two weekends ago!!

Lots of fun was had, cakes made and layouts completed!!!

In other news felix had his sports day at school

He was also in his class assembly with his Tudor house that grandad helped him build!

Georgia was given a 'Karen' award at school for her attention to detail!

I was given the most beautiful bunch of roses sent by delivery from Chris for our 13th wedging anniversary!!

And last weekend was the school summer fair that I helped to organise to raise funds for new play equipment! Here is Felix having a go at sumo wrestling!!

Georgia also went to her first ballet class and enjoyed it so we are off to buy a leotard and ballet shoes this week!!!