Saturday, 26 March 2011

Private Stampin Up Classes

I have now planned and added my Stampin up classes to my Stampin Up blog!

This is the cupcake heaven class!!

To view them all you can go to

Carla x

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Daddy is 36!!

It was chris's birthday on wed and we got him an iPad! Needless to say we haven't spoken to him now for 24 hours!!!! But he is very 'app'y!!!!! Ha ha ha!!!!

He was a very lucky boy to have a homemade wheat free cake made for him!!

And the birthday song sang to him in great harmony between me and the two kids!!!!! Not!!!!

Today Georgia and I went to the garden centre to the cafe as Georgia fancied some tea there!!!

It was lovely sitting in the sun listening to the sheep baa at each other!!!

Carla x

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Exciting news!!!...... And a sneaky peak!!!!

I have planned my first Stampin up class!!!

Mark your calendar for 12th June and watch this space for more details coming soon!!!!

In the mean time I will leave you with a sneaky peak!!!!!

More details of all of the classes due to run will be put on here shortly!

Carla x

The motley crew!

Well half of it anyway!! The marsh family that is!!!

A family lunch at dads!!

This photo made me smile!! My two aunts and my cousin! They look like they are sat in a Q at the hairdressers!!!!

Tomorrow is chris's birthday so I have conjured up a wheat free birthday cake!!

Yum yum!!!

Carla x

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Auntie Wendy is here!!

After six long years my aunt Wendy and cousin Melissa have come to stay!!

We have had a lovely evening together despite me cooking!!!

We are off to stay with Wendy in the states for a couple of months!!

Can't wait!!!! It is so lovely to see them!!!!

Carla x

Friday, 18 March 2011

It's red nose day!!

After great anticipation (and making sure the noses stayed in my handbag as not to get lost in the clutter that is home!) felix and Georgia (or Tiggy as she is now demanding to be called!!) finally get to wear the nose!!

Happy red nose day!!!!

Carla x

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

It's a bit draughty round here!!!!

Today I wrote another 2000 words towards my final assignment on my PGCE!! 3800 words down, only 1200 to go!!

When I got home from school with kids, Felix asked me to play draughts! His granny brought him a set for his birthday and this is the first time he has used it! He is outstandingly good at it for someone who has never played it! He literally whooped my ass!!!

I have also started a stained glass course tonight which really nurtured me!!

This is what we did tonight! Practicing on a clear sheet, we learnt to cut, file and put copper foil on some of it!!

Carla x

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Naughty naughty!!!!!

Some children would give their right arm for their own bedroom!!

We battle with our two to stay in their own rooms!! Mostly I find felix in Georgia's room but tonight she took to bed on his floor!!!

Not very comfortable I wouldn't think!!!

She is cute though! Earlier she was dressing up as 'anne of geen gables!!'

I keep telling her it is green gables, but I think she prefers geen gables!!!!

Have had a busy day creating pie charts and bar graphs whilst looking at the data received for my research project for PGCE!!! Nearly there now! There is light at the end of the tunnel!!!!

Carla x

Sunday, 13 March 2011

The big chop

Felix who has been growing his hair for at least six months finally had enough of it after he had some house guests! We made them homeless but he had decided by then that was it! He was ready for the big chop!!

This is how long his hair was!!

Mid chop!!

Almost done!!

The final result!! He wanted gel to look like his dad!!

Chris's mini me!!!!!

Carla x

Saturday, 12 March 2011

My ickle baby gets her first duckling!!!!!

Duckling award that is!!!! For swimming!!!!!

I am so proud of her!!!! She is growing up so fast!!!!!!

I have been busy this week creating things to make at my classes which have just starred again for another 20 weeks!! If you want to check out what is being created...... You can go to my Stampin up blog!!

Carla x
Oops! I have been a bit slack on the blog front!! But in my defence I have been quite busy! We have had guests staying for the last three weekends!

The first weekend we had Andrew, Ana and the very sweet little Mya!!

Felix and Georgia just adore their cousin and are very gentle playing with her! She got lots of hugs!!!!

Felix in particular loves looking after her!!

Then The following weekend ROBSKI came to stay!

Then it was my mums birthday!

Here's the cake I made her!

Then pat and Colin came to stay and I had a chance to perfect my cake skills for pats birthday!!

Both kids had a party that weekend too!!

This photo made me laugh!! Pat looking over! It's like feeding time at the zoo!!!

Then on Tuesday the three of us made pancakes for pancake day!!

Starting the toss!

Mid toss!


This one didn't see the Pan again!!!!!!!'

I will leave you with this beauty!! On my notice board this morning there was a little addition to my note!!!

Carla x