It's slipping already! I was so blog happy!! Now just blog hopeless........ Must remember to blog every day!!
So what have I been up to?
Well the weekend was good, we had our good friends Rachel and Peter over for dinner and as always a lively intellectual but very enjoyable debate was had! Not sure my cooking was so enjoyable! Tried to make key lime pie for the first time and used evaporated milk instead of condensed! Didn't think there was much difference!! How wrong was I? The difference was about 4 tablespoons of sugar. , making it a very tart tart!!!! Looked good though!!
On Sunday I went to mums and did some more crafting! Very pleased with the results!!
I gave been trying to do angel abundance affirmations since Christmas and it seems to be working! I won £25 on the premium bonds this month!! Hooray!!! I AM A MONEY MAGNET!!
Today we made clay things at a workshop at school!!
Can anyone guess what animals they are???? Answers in the comments section of my blog!!!!!!
I will leave you with a photo from everyday in jan!!!
Carla x