Saturday, 26 February 2011

This is the start of a new journey!!

Well here we go!! Another new adventure!!!

I have joined Stampin up!!

My starter kit has arrived!!!!

And I am off for a play!!!

Come back soon and see what I have made!!!!

Carla x

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

The dentist finally made me blow a gasket!!

A trip to the dentist twice on four days was too much for my body to handle!!! With the tears shed and the adrenaline shooting around my system, combined with the tension and shakes all for a filling was just too much and this is what happened!!

It is slightly worse than this now, it has spread!! It is however very off putting for small children who are slightly weary of me and keep asking about it!! ( I should mention that is other peoples children! Unfortunately my two are untaxed by it, like it is a regular occurrence!!)

Tomorrow is my second round of being needle felted(laser treatments)! Think I might need Valium by the end of the week!

Carla x

Sunday, 13 February 2011

The ultimate Mad Hatters Tea Party!

Today I threw a tea party for two of my friends Rachel and Tracy for their birthday present! They brought three guests each with them!

We had a fabulous time, here is a picture of the table before I added the food.

a picture of the table after I added the food

and some close at pictures of the table!

I made the menu and cutlery pockets using my new stampin up inks and stamps.

The only prerequisite that I've asked of my friends was that they wore hats.

here is my hat

here are more hats

A good time was had by all!!

Carla x

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Cupcake heaven!!

I went on a cupcake decorating course today with my lovely friends Sally, Rachel, Tracy and Mandy! We learnt how to ice them and make roses and butterflies for the top!!

I was very pleased with the end results!!

Anyway I was so inspired that I continued to make some more!!

Also been baking lots for an afternoon tea party that I am hosting tomorrow for Rachel and Tracy's birthday!!

I also managed to make a wheat free cake for chris's valentines present!!!

Still need to decorate it but it does look yummy!!!

I also came home to a beautifully spring cleaned house as I got a voucher from groupon! What a lovely treat!! Even Felix felt better in a lovely spring cleaned environment!!! (and his room is like an animal pit!!!)

Carla x

Thursday, 10 February 2011

They say the funniest things!!!!!

Children that is! the other morning as I am merrily getting myself up and dressed, my darling 8 year old son comes into my bedroom dressed in only his pj bottoms! He sits on my bed, looks down at his body and says " mummy, if I cut off my head, my nipples could be my eyes and belly button could be my mouth!" "yes!" I which he replies " yes and if you cut off your head, you boobies could be your eyes....but you would always be looking at the floor!!!!!!!!!"

Oh how I laughed!! Then picked my boobs (and indignant chin) back off the floor, placed them in the over the shoulder boulder holder (not my chin obviously!!) and merrily carried on with my day!

So to cheer you up and make you smile, here is a more perkier version!!

You may call me Miss February from now on!!!!

Carla x

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Stampin up, up and away!!

My stampin' up starter kit arrived today!! Lots of lovely new stamps and goodies!!

My plan is to create some new resources for my new course starting in march which is scrapbooking, card making and homemade gifts!!!!

Trying not to let it distract me too much from my final piece of PGCE work! Will have to wait until may before I really start to play!!!!!!!

Reading a really good book at mo! A crime thriller that is really scary!!!

Not good as a bedtime read!!!!

Last but not least, I came across this saying today which I really liked and felt it sums up what I fell about life!!

Be good, be strong and be you!!

Carla x

Thursday, 3 February 2011

All you need is friends.....tra la la la la!

Today was a good day! It was my day off from work and college!!!
After dropping the little hm's at school and nursery, I went for a coffee with my lovely friend Tracey (who also has an 8 year old called Felix!!!) at the new cheesecake shop! We were both VERY good and didn't have cheesecake, just coffee!!! We had a good old chin wag!

I then picked the smallest hm up and headed to jungletastic to meet another lovely friend Debs. We also put the world to rights whilst the littlies played!!
Oh......if only women ruled the world!!!! It would be a very different place!!!!!

Carla x

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Blog hopeless!

It's slipping already! I was so blog happy!! Now just blog hopeless........ Must remember to blog every day!!

So what have I been up to?

Well the weekend was good, we had our good friends Rachel and Peter over for dinner and as always a lively intellectual but very enjoyable debate was had! Not sure my cooking was so enjoyable! Tried to make key lime pie for the first time and used evaporated milk instead of condensed! Didn't think there was much difference!! How wrong was I? The difference was about 4 tablespoons of sugar. , making it a very tart tart!!!! Looked good though!!

On Sunday I went to mums and did some more crafting! Very pleased with the results!!

I gave been trying to do angel abundance affirmations since Christmas and it seems to be working! I won £25 on the premium bonds this month!! Hooray!!! I AM A MONEY MAGNET!!

Today we made clay things at a workshop at school!!

Can anyone guess what animals they are???? Answers in the comments section of my blog!!!!!!

I will leave you with a photo from everyday in jan!!!

Carla x